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7 Disciplines of HZAU Listed in Class A in 2017 China Discipline Ranking

On Dec 28, China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) released 2017 China Discipline Ranking (CDR 2017). With 7 disciplines listed in class A (including A+, A and A-), HZAU is ranked as No.19 among the colleges and universities in mainland China in terms of the overall number of class A disciplines. Our 7 class A disciplines include A+ for Horticulture, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, A for Biology , and A- for Food Science & Engineering, Crop Science, Economics & Management of Agriculture & Forestry. The 5 B+ disciplines are: Landscape Architecture, Agricultural Resource & Environment Science, Plant Protection, Fisheries, and Public Administration.

HZAU in total has 26 disciplines for doctoral or master’s degree granting, among which 18 are assessed by CDR 2017. The proportion of class A disciplines of HZAU reaches 27% (the ratio of the number of class A disciplines to that of disciplines for degree granting). The number of HZAU disciplines entering the top 10% has increased from 6 to 7, and top 10%~20% has increased from 1 to 5 over CDR 2012. It is the very manifestation of the new progress achieved by HZAU during the discipline construction in recent years, with the top ranking of the preponderant and characteristic disciplines among its same kind and the steady enhancement of its overall discipline competence.

Launched in April 2016, CDR 2017 evaluates 7499 disciplines (up by 76% over CDR 2012) among 95 first-level disciplines (16 disciplines of Military Science being excluded) from 513 colleges and universities. CDR 2017 carries out its evaluation in a way which combines accurate calculation of data and classification of results. According to the ranking percentage of “Discipline Overall Level Score”, the top 70% disciplines to be published are divided into 3 classes (A, B and C) with 9 grades, among which the top 2% are rated as A+, 2%<A≤5% , 5%<A-≤10%, 10%<B+≤20%, 20%<B≤30%, 30%<B-≤40, 40%<C+≤50%, 50%<C≤60%, and 60%<C-≤70%.

CDR evaluates the overall performance of the first-level disciplines for doctoral or master’s degree granting in higher educational institutions in mainland China, aimed at serving the overall interests, the colleges and universities, and the public. With the significant influence on both the universities and the society, CDR is the most important reference in the selection of first-class disciplines in the “Double First-Class” construction.

2017 China Discipline Ranking (CDR 2017) is available online at:

The original text:

Rewritten by Zeng Pengling
Edited by Guo Haiyan

