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Pro. Chen Zhiwei Visits Public Management Forum at HZAU

On May 26th, Chen zhiwei, associate professor of IT management form Copenhagen Business School, visited the public management forum and delivered a report “The Art of Online Foraging: Adaptive Search in Consumer-Generated Content Environments” at the Report Hall M221 of School of Humanities.

During the report session, Prof. Chen first introduced to colleagues and students the theme of his speech “Research Background of the Art of Online Foraging”. The focus of his research is on the role different search function settings play in the search behavior of users. Then, Prof. Chen talked about his endeavor to integrate Foraging Theory in biology into online search behavior. Afterwards,he touched upon the breakdown of the existing search functions and modes into 6 categories and the classification of the features of user’s search behaviors. He covered how the choice of search modes would improve the efficiency of user’s search behavior. As he continued, Pro. Chan spoke at length on the experiments vindicating his theory where he collected user data from a famous foreign gourmet comment website and studied research behavior of more than 100 subjects in the experiment in a simulated gourmet comment website built by Professor’s team. Pro. Chen also measured test results and drew up an outcome, which matched with the above-mentioned theory.

After his report was finished, Pro. Chan gave exhaustive answers to the questions raised by the attendees at the forum.

(By Du Gunwei and Yuan Jinfeng)
